Within this website section, you will discover a curated assortment of audio-visual content that is relevant to the Chair’s thematic areas:
- Complexus
- Complexity, Golden Age, Dark Age
- Gregory Chaitin, Complexity in Metamathematics, Friend or Foe?
- Stephen Wolfram, Foundations and Implications of Complexity
- Hervé Zwirn, Computational Irreducibility and Emergence
- Edgar Morin, Le défi des complexités en temps de crise
- Stuart Kauffman, The Inevitable Anthropocene and our Choices Now: Prolegomenon to a Next Axial Age
- Ivar Ekeland, The Climate Change. Transition, Bifurcation or Catastrophe?
- Geoffrey West, Cycles, Singularities and Tipping Points in the Life History of Cities, Companies and the Planet
- David Chavalarias, Toxic Data
- Johan Bollen, Toxic Networks
- Hugues Bersini, Algocratie: les algorithmes vont-ils prendre le pouvoir?
- Francis Heylighen, Emergence and Self-Organization
- David Napier, Emergence and Self-Organization
- Luc Steels, Promises and Limitations of Contemporary AI
- Humanities
- Beyond Europe: Perspectives on Minorities, Religions & Secular States. Faisal Devji
- Contre-pouvoirs. Penser, agir et résister dans la complexité. Miguel Benasayag
- Un centenaire éclairé: André de Peretti, polytechnicien et homme de lettres
- Un passé qui ne passe pas. Sciences coloniales et islamophobie savante. Olivier Le Cour Grandmaison
- Scientific Humanities
- Digital Humanities
- Podcast