Home | Chair of Complexities ∞ Humanities

The Chair of Complexities ∞ Humanities (CC∞H) seeks to create stronger connections between the sciences of complexity and human/social sciences. Nested within UM6P‘s Africa Business School (which aims at ‘enabling the sustainable transformation of business and society landscapes in Africa and beyond’), the Chair delivers educational programs, spearheads research initiatives, organizes scientific events, publishes academic research, facilitates workshops, and conducts field studies.

Learn more here.

La Chaire Complexités ∞ Humanités (CC∞H) a pour objectif de renforcer les liens entre les sciences de la complexité et les sciences humaines et sociales. Rattachée à l’Africa Business School de l’UM6P (dont l’objectif est de “permettre la transformation durable des paysages commerciaux/économiques et sociaux en Afrique et au-delà”), la Chaire offre des programmes enseignements programmes éducatifs, pilote des initiatives de recherche, organise des événements scientifiques, publie des recherches académiques, facilite des ateliers et réalise des études sur le terrain.

Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.

الكرسيّ العلميّ ” تعقيدات ∞ إنسانيّات ”(CCH) يهدف إلى تعزيز الروابط بين علوم التعقيد وعلوم الإنسان والعلوم الاجتماعية، وهو مرتبط بمدرسة أفريقيا للأعمال في UM6P (التي تهدف إلى تحقيق التحول المستدام في المشهد التجاري والاقتصادي والاجتماعي في إفريقيا وما وراءها). كما يقدم الكرسي برامج تعليمية، يدير مبادرات بحثية، ينظم أحداث علمية، ينشر أبحاثًا أكاديمية، يسهل ورش عمل ويجري دراسات ميدانية.

لمعرفة المزيد، انقر هنا 


Paul Feyerabend Centennial – a Science Week 2024 event

Exploring Paul Feyerabend’s legacy for the reconstruction of the High Atlas region

The Chair of Complexities ∞ Humanities is organizing a side event during the next UM6P Science Week, to commemorate the centennial anniversary of Paul Feyerabend’s birth. The event will explore Feyerabend’s legacy and its potential for the reconstruction of the High Atlas region. 

Learn more here.

Honoring the Chaitins – ABS, Rabat Campus, Thursday 18 January 2024

The Chair of Complexities ∞ Humanities is pleased to organize an event in Rabat to honor the work of an exceptional mathematician and computer scientist, Gregory Chaitin.

Abstracts & Bios   / Against Method (documentary film)

Gregory and his wife Virginia, a historian and philosopher of sciences, are residents at the UM6P Institute for Advanced Studies for the year 2023-24, bringing their scientific background and life experience to the UM6P community of students, faculty, and researchers. During this event in Rabat, we will have a live broadcast interview of Greg and Virginia, tracing their background, professional life, and research interests. The interview will be an opportunity to discover a fascinating mathematical and philosophical universe, followed by a cocktail reception.

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Exploring UM6P’s ecosystem

A variety of structures and dynamics that multiply, diversify, and distinguish themselves…
This ecosystem highlights the principle that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts


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